Helping charities couldn’t be simpler when you partner with Link Charity Canada. With a competitive fee structure and access to multiple discount brokerage accounts, Link Charity helps you give more to your favourite charities.
What does this mean?
Since 2006, Canadian donors have had opportunity to donate publicly traded securities such as shares or mutual funds directly to a charity. This cost-effective way to make a donation will reduce your income taxes by eliminating the capital gains tax and providing a donation receipt for the fair market value. You can use this receipt in the year of your gift or carry it forward for up to five years. Most charities do not have a brokerage account to receive your in-kind gifts of securities, which can often deter people from giving securities altogether. Link Charity is equipped to handle these gifts and will donate the proceeds to any charity of your choice within Canada. Donating in this manner has become the most tax efficient way to support your favourite charities.
By donating securities, donors pay no tax on the capital gains, receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities, and reduce their taxes.
Why Choose Link Charity To Help You With Your Gift of Securities?
Simple. Our low flat fees compared to those who typically charge a percentage of donation amount make the choice clear. Easily donate to all your preferred charities in one uncomplicated transaction.
With Link Charity, your fees are as follows:
Brokerage Fee (not a Link charity charge):
As low as $9.99*
Link Charity Disbursement Fee:
$25.00 for the first cheque $10.00 for each additional.
With other facilitating charities, you will notice higher flat fees and percentages (estimated examples only):
Brokerage Fee:
Donations less than $10,000: $250 flat fee or 3%
Donations of:
$10,000-$49,999 2.5%
Donations of:
$50,000-$99,000 2.25%
Donations of:
$100,000 or greater 2%
How do you keep your donation costs down? That’s easy! You provide one lump sum and designate it to as many charities as you like; this way, you only pay the brokerage fee once, our disbursement fee of $25.00 for the first cheque, and just $10.00 for each additional cheque. That’s giving wisely.
Here are two examples to break it down:
Example 1: One named charity
Through Link Charity, John donates $10,000.00 of securities to one named charity.
Cost: $9.99* brokerage fee + $25.00 disbursement fee = $34.99.
The charity will receive $9,965.01!
Example 2: Multiple named charities
Through Link Charity, Sally donates $100,000.00 of securities to four different named charities.
Cost: $9.99* brokerage fee + $25.00 disbursement fee + $10.00 x 3 each additional cheque = $64.99
Each charity will receive $24,983.72!
The choice is clear, don’t you think? Link Charity puts you and your charities first by keeping more money in your pocket while getting more money in the hands of your charities to help them accomplish the valuable work they are doing. If you typically donate directly to your favourite charity, we encourage you to inquire next time you want to donate to find out what costs you can avoid by going through Link Charity. Experience the difference for yourself and pass on the benefits to the charities you support.
In our current fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, Link Charity has provided $16.5 million to over 700 charities in Canada. Our staff would love to help you give to your favourite charities in the most beneficial ways possible for the both of you! Call us today at 1-800-387-8146 to schedule your free, no obligation consultation. We are eager for you to experience the Link Charity difference!
Don’t forget to follow and like us on
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members, industry news, positive stories of giving, how else we can help, and so much more.
*Brokerage fees may vary depending on the brokerage that is chosen. Please call us to find out where the best place to send your donated securities. Please note there is no brokerage charge for transferring mutual funds at anytime.