Charitable Annuity

Charitable Annuity 

A Charitable Gift Annuity Provides Tax Savings And Pays You Back For Life!

Annuity Form

Elevate your philanthropic impact with a Charitable Gift Annuity, a unique avenue for individuals and couples with elevated investment income to contribute to causes close to their hearts while receiving lifelong returns.

As the leading distributor of charitable annuities nationwide, Link Charity stands out by offering unparalleled flexibility. Unlike other providers, we empower you to support multiple charities of your choice through a single annuity. No need to limit your generosity to just one cause—we believe in amplifying your giving potential.

A Charitable Gift Annuity with Link Charity not only allows you to make a lasting difference in the world but also provides a steady stream of payments for the entirety of your life. This innovative approach transforms your financial assets into a powerful tool for positive change. Experience the joy of giving back while securing financial benefits with Link Charity's Charitable Annuities. Join us in shaping a legacy that resonates with your values and supports the diverse causes that matter most to you.

Benefits Of A Charity Gift Annuity?   


  • Guaranteed Income – Once the rate is set, it is set for life. The payments cannot be outlived. There is no risk or worry. 
  • The Annuity Requires no Management – You do not have to watch investments, interest rates, maturity dates, and so forth. You do not have to watch the stock market, the economy, the Income Tax Act, etc. Your payments are sent to you automatically and regularly.
  • All or a large part of your Gift Annuity is Income Tax Exempt – The tax savings are very significant, especially for middle- and higher-income people.
  • There is an Immediate Time Charitable Receipt Available of at least 20% of the Capital Amount – When high rates are unnecessary, and you choose a lower rate, your receipt amount goes up sharply. At Link Charity, we can provide you with no-obligation quotations.
  • At the end of your life, when you no longer require payments, the remainder of the Gift Annuity Capital becomes an immediate direct gift for your favorite charities – This avoids probate fees and other fees associated at estate time.


(NOTE: The Link Charity minimum annuity purchase is $10,000.)

Through wise and careful investing, Link Charity has realized that on average, 85% of the original annuity amount will be retained and go to the charities of your choice when your annuity matures. This is generally two to three times higher than the national average of the remainder amounts of re-insured annuity programs.

Help Secure Your Future And The Future Of Your Favourite Charity With A Charitable Gift Annuity!

Age Annuity Type % Payment Rate Your Annual Payment Charitable Receipt Tax free Annual Income Taxable Annual Payment
69 Male 5.98 $5,980.00 $22,059 $4,729.27 $1,270.73
69 Female 5.72 $5,715.68 $20,000 $4,247.83 $1,467.85
73 Male 6.41 $6,410.00 $25,091 $5,469.62 $940.38
73 Female 6.14 $6,140.00 $23,107 $4,913.35 $1,226.65
77 Male 6.95 $6,950.00 $27,763.52 $6,445.10 $504.90
77 Female 6.68 $6,680.00 $26,208.93 $5,808.56 $871.44
81 Male 7.64 $7,640.00 $29,662.42 $7,640.00 $0
81 Female 7.37 $7,370.00 $28,971.58 $7,370.00 $0
85 Male 8.51 $8,510.00 $30,293.59 $8,510.00 $0
85 Female 8.27 $8,270.00 $30,825.68 $8,270.00 $0
91 Male 10 $10,000.00 $28,503.99 $10,000.00 $0
91 Female 10 $10,000.00 $30,711.79 $10,000.00 $0
73 Joint 5.47 $5,471.18 $20,000.00 $4,188.11 $1,283.07
77 Joint 6.03 $6,030.00 $20,183.42 $5,025.02 $1,004.98
81 Joint 6.52 $6,520.00 $22,254.14 $6,000.91 $519.09
85 Joint 7.15 $7,150.00 $23,081.70 $7,150.00 $0

Sample Annuity rate table as of Winter 2024 and all calculations are made on each $100,000 deposit. Please call or email for currently permitted rates.

Here’s How It Works:

When you donate a capital sum of money into a Gift Annuity with Link Charity you trigger three events simultaneously:


  • The gift is invested in our investment pool (generating an average return of around 8%)*
  • You begin to receive a guaranteed lifetime annual income of between 5% – 10% of the initial gift, based on age. Much, or all, of the annuity payment you receive will be tax-free.
  • You receive a charitable tax receipt immediately of between 20 – 25% of your initial gift.


Your capital remains invested and at death, the remaining capital is distributed to the charities chosen by the annuitant. Link Charity has had great success with this program and has averaged an 85% return of capital to charitable beneficiaries when the agreements mature.

You can even purchase a deferred annuity. So, consider your GICs with their taxable annual income of 2.5% and ask yourself, what if I could triple my annual income, and give to my favorite ministries at the same time?

As a charitable organization, Link Charity can streamline your annuity purchases. We do this by offering one larger annuity to you the donor and then dispersing your gifts to as many charities as you wish. This replaces smaller individual annuities for each charity, which saves administration costs, time, and effort.

Types of Charitable Gift Annuities Include:

Single Life:

Single Life Gift Annuities pay income for the duration of the life of a specific person.

Joint Annuities:

Joint Gift Annuities are for two named persons and continue payments at the same level, to the surviving person for life, after the death of the other.


Deferred Gift Annuities can be either single or joint. You can set up an annuity now with all of its benefits but elect to receive income at a later date, sometimes years down the road.

(Note: Annuities are not suitable for people under 60 unless it is a deferred annuity. The typical annuity age is 70.)

Fees and Disclosures

Out of the overall investment income, Link Charity charges ½% per year for administration.

Each annuity agreement is carefully tracked by Link Charity in a separate bookkeeping account for the rest of your life. It is possible that a person could outlive their life expectancy significantly. To make sure everyone, no matter how old, will always be paid, a special reserve has been established by the Board of Directors to address those situations.

If one charity has made Gift Annuities known to you and worked with you on your plans, Link Charity has established an annuity expense reimbursement and will reimburse this charity ½% per year out of the investment income for a maximum of 5 years.

Link Charity is a member in good standing of the CCAA (Canadian Charitable Annuity Association), the organization in Canada that sets standards for gift annuity agreements.

Link Charity and its sponsoring charities adhere to the standards and ethics required of members. The Association also carefully sets recommended annuity rates based on a professional actuarial firm’s calculations and assumptions.

In compliance with the CCAA standards, you are encouraged to seek independent advice. Also, you may change your mind within ten days of signing the agreement and your funds will be returned without penalty or charge.

Link Charity files an annual report with CCAA (no confidential information and no names are shared). Every three years Link Charity’s agreements and investment portfolio will be reviewed for their adequacy by a professional actuarial firm.

* Past results are no guarantee of any future results

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